Customers can now shop the menu online and place orders for pick up from their preferred Original FARM location. Orders are packaged within one hour, and paid for online or in-store.

Click and Collect is simple. Browse the menu of your local Original FARM store and click on the price tags to create your order.

After you submit your order, our staff will package your items within one hour. Orders placed during the final two hours or outside of the store’s open hours will be available for pick up the following day.

Once packaged, you will be notified by email or text message when your order is ready for pick up. We will reserve your pick up order for 24 hours.

Stop by the Orignal FARM location you ordered from and skip the regular line. Provide your order number to the Click and Collect pick up counter to collect your order.
When can I pick up?
Your packaged order is reserved for 24 hours after being notified that your order is ready for pick up. If you are notified at noon then you may collect your order anytime that day or before noon the next day. With our current modified hours, online orders submitted on Saturdays will only be available for same-day pick up. Orders placed before the final 2 hours of open hours are available for same-day pick up. If you place an order after closing, then pick up is available anytime during the next day that we are open.
When is the latest I can order for same-day pick up?
The cut-off time is 2 hours before the store closes. Orders placed before the cut-off time are available for same-day pick up anytime after you have been notified that your order is ready. Orders placed after the cut-off time are not guaranteed to be packaged for same-day pickup and you may need to come the following day.
How long will it take to package my order?
Orders submitted during open hours are guaranteed to be packaged within 1 hour. Typically, orders are ready for pick up within 30 minutes depending on the length of the order queue.
Can I change / edit my order?
It is not possible to edit your order after it has been submitted. If you wish to change your order after it has been submitted, you must cancel your order and create a new one.
Can I cancel my order?
Yes, you may cancel your order online at any time in the process, even after it is ready for pick up.
Can I order from different stores?
Yes, you are able to select your preferred location to order from. If you have already submitted your order you must cancel and resubmit your order for your preferred location.
When does the 24 hour reservation begin?
The 24 hour count begins when you receive an email or text message notification that your order is ready for pick up. Notifications for pick up are only sent during open hours.
How long do I have to pick up my order?
We will reserve your packaged order for 24 hours after notifying you that your order is ready for pick up.
Can I pick up for someone else, or can someone else pick up my order?
Yes, we only require the order number and a legal ID for pick up. You are still legally limited to 30 grams of flower or its equivalent per store visit, even if you are picking up an order for someone else.
Do you deliver?
Yes! We currently offer delivery for online orders, through our Hillside and Langford locations. Please note that it is necessary to present two pieces of valid identification to the delivery driver in order to receive your delivery.
When do I pay?
When you collect your order from the Click and Collect pick up counter.
How many orders can I make?
As many as you would like, but you are limited to 30 grams of cannabis or its equivalent per store visit. Once your pending orders have cumulatively reached the 30 gram limit, you will not be able to order any more cannabis products.
How will I be notified when it’s ready?
You may choose to be notified by email and/or SMS text message.
How can I pay?
Providing payment for Click and Collect orders is the same as regular made-in-store orders. We ask that you please use credit, debit, or tap payments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Can I pay online instead?
Yes, currently we accept Visa and MasterCard credit and debit cards.
Is my order guaranteed to be in stock when I come for pick up?
If you received a notification that your order is ready for pick up, then your order is in stock.
What happens if I order after hours?
Orders submitted after hours will be packaged and ready for pick up when the store re-opens.
Can I pick up my order from a different store?
The online shopping menus are specific to each store. Immediately after placing your online order, the staff at your selected store are notified to package your items. Therefore, you will not be able to fast-track the regular customer line should you choose to purchase from a different store than you ordered from.
Can I schedule my own pick up time?
We do not offer scheduled pick up times, but you may pick up your order anytime within the 24 hours that it is reserved. If advanced scheduling or routine order subscriptions are services that would interest you, please let us know!