THC BioMed is a Licensed Producer located in beautiful Kelowna, B.C. Our focus is supplying Canadians with the highest quality, BC grown Medical Marihuana at a price that’s affordable for everyone.
Long before the promise, or thought, of legalization took hold in Canada, THC BioMed (then known as THC Medical Systems) has been growing and researching medical marihuana. Through our Exemption 56, MMPR License, and now our ACMPR License, we have learned and perfected many aspects of how to grow great medical marihuana. THC is proud to be part of this new emerging industry in Canada, and many other countries around the world.
With Medical Marihuana fast becoming a burgeoning industry in Canada, it is imperative to THC BioMed that the quality of our products come before the quantity. We like to give the people what they want – the best possible product for the lowest possible price. THC BioMed is passionate about using sustainable, organic growing methods and using only the purest of nutrients, without pesticides or other exogenous chemicals, to grow our medical marihuana.